Wednesday May 15, 2024

Safety Moment - "Why" Why is a Starting Point for Discovery

In this episode, Todd Conklin discusses the critical element of understanding local rationale in the workplace and how it can serve as the starting point for significant organizational discovery. Rather than using this information to point fingers or penalize individuals, Conklin encourages managers and leaders to utilize these moments of rationale to investigate and gain insight into the broader challenges and issues within their organizations.

Highlighting the essence of curiosity, Conklin proffers that when workers explain why something made sense at a particular moment, leaders should seize this as an opportunity to learn and understand instead of using it as a weapon of accountability. This interest, he asserts, is critical to uncover deep-seated organizational issues that might often be overlooked.

Conklin's message encapsulates the importance of becoming smarter in every aspect of our lives, pushing listeners to adopt curiosity as a pathway to greater understanding. He finishes off the episode with a heartfelt note on learning, fun, kindness, and safety, serving as a reminder of the essential things in life and work.

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